Book: New Book technique in the form of a quarter binding - Edgard Claes
New Book technique in the form of a quarter binding
This book presents another bookbinding technique developed by Edgard Claes (inspired by Benjamins Dos rapporté): a bookbinding technique in the form of a quarter binding. First limited edition in German.
- Author: Edgard Claes
- Publisher: Berufliches Schulzentrum Alois Senefelder München
- Paperback
- 30 pages
- Language: German
- A4 (21cm x 29,7cm x 0,3cm)
Edgar Claes, born in Belgium, is one of the most prominent bookbinders in the world. Educated as a classical hand bookbinder, he soon started looking for contemporary forms and materials. Since 1990 he has been making his bookbindings mainly from polycarbonate, which he processes with a computer-controlled milling machine and colors with airbrush.
He is also an accomplished painter, sculptor, stained glass maker. He lives and works in the monastery of Sint-Agatha in the Netherlands.
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