Ben Elbel

Anatomy of Bookbinding - Luigi Castiglioni


Take a sneak peek into the studio and work processes of world-class bookbinder Luigi Castiglioni. 

In this book suitably entitled Anatomy of Bookbinding, Castiglioni shares every step of the binding and box-making of a 16th Century anatomy manual, from stub-making to sewing, to forwarding, leatherwork, stamping, finishing, and many details about the chemise and slipcase.

The book was first translated from Italian to French by Morina Mongin, and recently translated to English by Ben Elbel and Peter Verheyen.

We are pleased to offer a small number of signed copies, out of an edition of 105.

This is a invaluable record of the technique of one of today's best practicioners in the French tradition.

• Paperback 
• 60 pages
• Size: 165 x 200 x 7mm
• Language: English 
• Printed in January 2024

About Luigi Castiglioni
Born in 1968 in Rimini (Italy), Luigi Castiglioni is a musicologist by training and a self-taught bookbinder.

He founded his studio Legatoria Anonima Amanvensis in 1999, which he then passed on to his brother in 2005 in order to dedicate himself exclusively to the creation of original design bindings.

The basic technique which he uses is the binding sewn on five cords, with an original decoration complete with chemise and étui.

Luigi Castiglioni bound all of François-Louis Schmied’s books on several occasions.

His first plastic vocabulary, nourished by the Art Deco style, prompted him to technical innovations on the treatment of leather, the integration of solid materials, traditional titling, edge gilding, leather mosaic and lacquering.

The genuineness of his vocation and the originality of his decorations combined with the versatility of his technique make him one of the most prolific creators of contemporary bookbinding.

He has regularly participated in the exhibition of original bookbindings Éphémère organized by Les Amis de la Reliure Originale (ARO) in Paris since 2018.

In 2020 Luigi Castiglioni was awarded the title of Master of Arts and Crafts. Title created by the Cologni Foundation to identify and celebrate the most talented Italian artisans.

In 2021 Luigi Castiglioni was also included in the Homo Faber Guide, the signature project developed by the Michelangelo Foundation for Creativity and Craftsmanship